Imogen Reid

Often for contemporary artists it is the traditional techniques and materials that can be overlooked, however for Imogen Reid it is central to her practice which sees her creating artworks through Plein Air painting and drawing, as well as life drawing. It is her skilled underpinning of these methods that give her work a structured, composed quality, in contradiction to their loose, stylised first impression.
Influenced by the realist genre, landscapes are the dominant focus of Reid's paintings, principally those with a human presence where structures or buildings can be seen. Barriers, monuments and special relations between humans and nature hold particular significance in the artist's exploration of how our relationship with the natural landscape around us informs our responsibility for it.
Reid has exhibited regularly across the country since turning to painting full time in 2005, particularly in London and Bristol, where this year her work was selected for The Royal West of England Academy's 'Drawn' exhibition. |